Jean Francois Julien holds a master degree in Mgt at EDHEC Business School, a master MSc in Strategy and Consultancy. He did not complete a master MSc in biotechnologies at ESCP Europe due to the immediate success of HalalTest.
Jean Francois Julien is 28 years old, and created his first company at the age of 22 ( currently leader in its field in France. There, he specialized in immune-chromatography and AB/AG reaction.
He serves as CEO of and Capital Biotech (better known as and
Jean Francois Julien main objective is to provide the customer with the necessary tools to become a consumer’ actor.
He is passionate about rapid diagnostics and a fervent believer in the “home testing” concept. He already has created 3 companies, all of them within the rapid diagnostics sector, dealing mainly with toxicological applications as well as food safety (dvt of antibodies specific to gluten, fish, peanuts, etc.)
When the “horse-gate” scandal shocked Europe, I was already trying to anticipate substances that would be key to screening via rapid test. One of my teachers at Business School, Abdou Chaoui, born in Algeria, asked me: “could we create an AB specific to porcine protein?”
This is the beginning of the HalalTest story. Followed by 1, 5 years of R&D, conceptualisation, marketing etc.
With a relatively cheap (5€) and very high-sensitivity test, we are revolutionizing the quality control process in the food industry.
We are working now on a bovine brain marker that could be screened in the animal´s blood and detect if it has been slaughter following the regular procedure (= big nail projected into bovine brain). That way, we could prove which cows have been killed in accordance with the Halal principles and those that do not comply.
After 8 weeks of sales-communications, we have reached a considerable amount of private individuals and industries from all over the world. We even sell in South America and that will give us a good opportunity to introduce the Halal Industry in Spain and the rest of Spanish-speaking countries.