I have a Ph.D. in Law from the University of Barcelona and an Honoris Causa Doctorate from Ovidius University (Romania). I also have undergraduate academic degrees in Law, Canon Law, Spiritual Theology and Ecclesiastical Studies and a B.A. in Ecclesiastical Philosophy. 


I have been Deputy Magistrate in the Provincial Court of Barcelona and Judge in the Ecclesiastical Court of Barcelona. I have been an Attorney-at-Law. I have a seat in the Management Board of the Virolai Educational Group (EMSA), and in its Foundation and Association as well.


In several Spanish and foreign universities I have been or I am a teacher in the fields of Law, Theology and Spirituality as lecturer, associate professor and visiting professor. My work as a teacher has been carried out in full attendance or classroom mode, partial-attendance mode and on line mode, through the utilization of web-based resources and ICT’s in virtual campuses. I am currently an Associate Professor at Loyola Andalucía University, where I teach in the fields of the History of Institutions of Private Law and Law and Religion in the Undergraduate Degree of Law and the Legal Ethics in the Master of Advocacy.


I am accredited as Aggregate Professor by the AQU (Agency for the Quality of University Education in Catalonia) with a positive evaluation for my teaching and research activity. As a member of the Faculty Panel of UAO I participated in the elaboration of the Memory and Syllabus of the Law Degree within the process of adjustment of the university’s academic programmes to the requirements of the Bologna Educational System (EEES). 


Within the UAO I held responsibilities in Academic Management, creating, coordinating and tutoring partial-attendance study programmes in Law in different campuses. I also represented the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Library Commission, and was in charge of the validation of foreign academic Degrees. 


I am specialized in Law (Constitutional, Historical, Law and Religions and Canon Law), in Ethics and Deontology and in Intercultural, Religious and Spiritual Issues. I have also worked in other humanistic fields having obtained several literary prizes. I form part of the Experts Commission of the Dionysian Review (Romania), of the Editorial Committee of the Quaestiones Canonicas Review (France) and of different Foundations.


I have taught courses and given graduate conferences and seminars in various universities in South Africa, Italy, France, Great Britain, Romania, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico; Legal Bars and Law Societies (Barcelona, Chuquisaca); Foundations (Olof Palme); and national and foreign Associations (Club de Roma, Rotary Club). I have presented academic papers in many international Conventions, Conferences, Symposiums and Workshops.


I have also been a research fellow at various foreign universities (USA, South Africa, Peru and United Kingdom). I have formed part of various research groups funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education. I have been director and co-director of several Ph.D., M.A. and B.A. research projects, as well as a member of different evaluation commissions of doctoral theses in Spain (UAO, UPSA, UAB) and France (ICT). I also participate actively in the review and evaluation of M.A. and B.A. dissertations and final presentations for UAO and UNIR universities.


I have published several monographic works, book chapters and articles within collective works and thirty articles in academic journals and reviews specialized in different topics. I have been co-editor of the Spanish edition of the Diccionario Enciclopédico de Derecho Canónico (Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Canon Law) (ed. Herder) and I have co-directed a monograph for the Club de Roma about the Values and Beliefs. Several Court Rulings and Judicial Sentences regarding canonical matrimonial nullities and criminal issues which I have prepared as Judge-rapporteur have been published.